Music and Art

Below you will find information and links to music and art. Life is Music. Life is Art.

Kevin Wolf

        Kevin is one of the co-proprietors of RAWEARTH Market. Kevin has been playing guitar for 40 years, and has played in numerous bands over the years. He has owned and operated an audio and lighting company, and a recording studio. He has had the good fortune to contribute guitar parts and production concepts to many recording projects. After all of these years, Kevin has vowed to finally lay down some tracks of his own! Check back often for previews of an upcoming album release.


Connie Wolf

       Connie is the other co-proprietor of RAWEARTH Market. Connie is a vocalist extraordinaire! Her other talents include violin, keyboards and guitar. It is no doubt that Connie will be featured on Kevin's' projects!


Kim Holloway

        Kim is a kindred brother whose talents include music, painting, vegetarian cooking, and social commentary, to name a few! Previews of Kim's work will soon be available here at RAWEARTH Market . Check back soon, and be prepared to be inspired!



If you are a musician/artist and would like to partner with RAWEARTH Market to offer your products for sale, please contact us at


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